Seong Ju "Mark" Ham

I am a software engineer with a background in entrepreneurship and military. I have a deep passion for problem solving rooted in my experience in math competitions, which I have competed in since junior high school and won several awards. I am currently looking for a position as a junior software engineer.

Location: Bronx, NY
Phone#: 929-426-3997

linkedin icon github icon

Education & Awards

CUNY Queens College

BA in Computer Science - Expected to Graduate July 2023

CUNY Bronx Community College

AS in Comptuer Science - May 2020

Presentation in SPN

AMATYC Math Contest

2010 - 2011 First place in Northeast Region, Seventh in Nation
2012 - 2013 First place in Northeast Region

QCC Honors Conference

Co-researched and co-developed "Numerical Computation of Inverse Matrices" that used C++ to analyze the efficiencies of different methods to inverse matrices.

John Jay PATT Online Education Conference

Co-presented the "Online Cloud Systems"



A community driven project for finding a streamer on Twitch using user parameter inputs

o h r

Built using Ruby on Rails, Sass, and PostgreSQL and hosted on Heroku


A bookkeeping app built using Ruby on Rails, Sass, and PostgreSQL and hosted on Heroku
**This app is hosted on a free server at Heroku and will need time to load